For Immediate Release Date: March 4, 2025 SCHUMER SAYS CUTTING US FOREIGN AID TO HAITI IS A SHORTSIGHTED MISTAKE AND CALLS TO RESTORE FUNDING ASAP; NEARLY ALL USAID FUNDING FOR HAITI HAS BEEN CUT OR IS ‘ON HOLD ’ AFTER TRUMP ADMIN ABRUPTLY TERMINATED FOREIGN AID; SCHUMER URGES ADMIN TO REVERSE COURSE IMMEDIATELY AND RELEASE FUNDS FOR FOOD AID, SECURITY ASSISTANCE, DISEASE PREVENTION & TREATMENT, HEALTH PROGRAMS, EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND MUCH MOR E Terminated And F rozen Funds Jeopardize Health & Safety Of Haitians And US Foreign Policy Interests; Haiti Still Recovering From Devastating Earthquake and Suffers From Political Instability And Ongoing Gang Violence; $317 Million In Aid Was Disbursed To Haiti Just Last Ye ar, Now Nearly All Funds For Food, Health & Emergency Response Programs Have Been Either ‘Frozen’ Or Terminated Schumer Warned That If Lifesaving And Critical Aid Remains Halted In Haiti & Across The World, There Will Be Very Negative Consequences For Am erican Relationships and Power In The Region; Leaving The Field Open for Adversaries and Competitors Like China, Venezuela & Cuba To Exploit
Schumer: Cutting And Freezing Foreign Aid For Haiti Is A Shortsighted Mistake That Hurts The People Of Haiti and US Interests; The Trump Admin Should Reverse Course Immediately & Resume Critical Programs For Food Security, Health Initiatives, Including HIV/AIDS Prevention/Treatment And Maternal/Child Health & More Today U.S. Senator Charles Schumer said the Trump a dministration’s sudden freezing, and now terminating, of nearly all U.S. foreign aid, including for Haiti, is “a shortsighted mistake that hurts the people of Haiti, the America - Haiti relationship, and American interests in the region.” He urged the Trump administration to unfreeze and reinstate USAID and foreign assistance for Haiti, which supports health initiatives, emergency response, food aid and security and more ASAP. Schumer noted that , “Haiti is still recovering from the lingering after - effects of a monumental earthquake and ongoing political instability, including increasing gang - related violence, and that a reduction in US aid would only strengthen the hands of the forces of disorder in Haiti. The more we do to stabilize things in Haiti, the lo wer the pressure for those there to leave and seek refuge elsewhere. U.S. humanitarian and economic support to the Haitian people and security assistance to combat the gang violence is key to forging a safer and more prosperous democratic Haiti. Just la st year, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the government agency responsible for administering foreign aid and development assistance, disbursed $317.6 million in aid to Haiti for emergency response, health initiatives includi ng HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and preventing maternal and child deaths agriculture, as well as food aid and security. Now, nearly all foreign aid for Haiti is frozen or has been terminated after the Trump administration abruptly shut down USAID and all of its programs. Schumer said USAID’s closure will have a significant impact on the people of Haiti, as well as American foreign policy interests, and he outlined many ways in which USAID provides assistance to the country. “The US - Haiti relation ship is critically important, and the Haitian community in the US and especially in New York from Brooklyn to Queens to Long Island to Rockland and beyond is a valued and vibrant community. The United States, via USAID, has supported the people of Hait i for many years, providing vital assistance and strengthening the country’s food security, health programs, and emergency response. In times of crisis, the agency has continued its unwavering support through humanitarian assistance, emergency relief effor ts and meeting the immediate needs of Haitians,” said U.S. Senator Charles Schumer . “Despite the lifesaving work of USAID, the Trump administration has taken drastic and damaging steps to shutter the agency and halted the organization’s critical humanitari an, economic, health, and security efforts. This is a mistake. I urge the administration to reverse course immediately and release foreign aid for Haiti ASAP. The bottom line is that the aid we provide to Haiti is a win - win that helps both the people there and America’s best interests. Prior to the Trump administration’s dismantling of the agency, USAID programs in Haiti focused on food security, emergency response, health, and humanitarian assistance to bolster Haiti’s infrastructure, food and economic security, and health services . USAID disbursed $317.6 million in aid to Haiti in 2024, including : $141.6 million for Emergency Response $39.26 million for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment $19.2 million for Agriculture $16.46 million for Maternal and Child Health
$12.45 million for Food Aid/Food Security Assistance $11.98 million for Basic Health Services Schumer explained that USAID and its partners have distributed millions in U.S. foreign aid to communities in Haiti, an d that the investment has paid off in terms of enhancing America’s relationship with a regional partner with shared national security interests . For example, the World Food Program (WFP) received over $13 million from USAID in 2024 to fight food insecurity in Haiti. WFP has worked to improve school meals for children in Haiti, supported local farmers and the economy, invested in disaster preparedness and local agriculture training, and screened children for malnutrition. Other partner organizations like Int ernational Organization for Migration (IOM) received $7.9 million to provide critical WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) programs, shelter, health services, and mental health support for communities affected by gang violence and the cholera outbreak. Schumer further warned that, “The vacuum left by the United States drawing back on delivering much - needed and productive foreign aid to nations like Haiti would be quickly filled by adversaries like China, Venezuela and Russia, something that only weakens America’s relationships and power in the world. Additionally, a USAID - funded 5 - year project, known as Ayiti Pi Djanm , was reach ing nearly 90,000 participants and more than 17,000 households across 12 communes in the Sud and Nord - Est departments of Haiti, with the goal of improving food security and resilience through enhanced sustainable management of natural resources, improved c onsumption and utilization of safe and nutritious foods, and by boosting profitability of household livelihoods. In 2024, this project received over $11 million in funding to carry out its purpose. IMA World Health, another USAID partner organization, rece ived $7.3 million to support Haiti by investing in health services, supporting the Ministry of Health in the delivery of quality health services, and strengthening the health system. IMA supports the Haiti Neglected Tropical Disease Control Program (HNTDCP ) to eliminate and control lymphatic filariasis (LF) and soil - transmitted helminthiasis (STH). Both these diseases are caused by parasitic worms and can cause swelling, disfigurement, or mental and physical impairments. With foreign aid frozen and programs being terminated, Schumer warned that projects like these are stalled indefinitely. One USAID implementer, whose funding has been cut off and projects terminated, estimates that 65,285 people will not receive enough food to keep them from going hungry; an d 1,320 youth will not be able to launch their small businesses, increasing their risk for migration and gang recruitment . Schumer highlighted USAID programs in Haiti that originally received a waiver to continue their life - saving work but have now been terminated: A humanitarian response program providing emergency food and nutrition assistance to areas receiving the largest number of displaced people fleeing violence ($3 million program ) An emergency rapid response program, meant to respond to new crises and sudden displacement through food assistance, shelter, and WASH ($6 million program ) A program focused on food security, nutrition and livelihoods ($50 million for 5 years) A grant that ensured acc ess to lifesaving services, including medical care and counseling, for victims of gender - based violenc e Separately, the U.S. previously pledged at least $370 million in Security Assistance for Haiti to support the Multinational Security Support mission ( MSS) . In 2023, former Secretary Blinken announced that the State Department and Department of Defense would each provide $100 million towards the MSS. In 2024, Blinken said DoD would double their contribution to $200 million. In 2024, President Biden used the Presidential Drawdown Authority to transfer $70 million in defense articles to Haiti. Now, the Trump administration has frozen nearly all security as sistance , including funding for the U.N. - backed mission in Haiti tasked with fighting gangs.
"The consequences of Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s chaotic and illegal freeze of foreign assistance amidst an ongoing humanitarian crisis in Haiti cannot be over stated. This administration’s despicable actions have caused countless Haitians to go hungry, allowed contagious diseases to spread unimpeded throughout the country, and given gangs free rein over the capital city of Port - au - Prince. In little more than a m onth, the Trump Administration has not only exacerbated an already dire humanitarian crisis, but also caused irreparable harm to Haitian stability and U.S. national security. Truly, their cruelty stands without equal," said Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke, Haitian American Caucus, CBC Chair . “The proposed cuts to USAID funding will have devastating consequences for Haiti, a nation already facing immense economic and humanitarian challenges. Reducing critical aid means fewer resources for healthcare, food security, and disaster relief putting countless lives at risk. I stand with the Haitian community and urge policymakers to reconsider these harmful cuts and invest in a future where Haiti can thrive. I also want t o thank Senator Schumer for his leadership in working to protect this vital funding and standing with the Haitian people during this critical time,” said Assembly Member Michaelle Solages . "I join U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and my collea gues across the city, state and federal government in condemning the Presidential Administration's reckless and damaging decision to cut nearly 90% of USAID funds and gut critical aid for Haiti. Haiti is in the grip of a severe humanitarian and human right s crisis, with gangs that effectively control the country exploiting children and subjecting Haitian citizens to extreme violence and massacres, while severe food insecurity and lack of healthcare are rampant. The USAID under the prior Presidential Adminis tration in 2024 disbursed critical funds to programs that provided a literal lifeline to Haitians, and we must do everything in our power to restore this life - saving assistance against hunger and disease and other humanitarian work before Haiti's crises es calate further. The U.S. has the largest population of Haitian migrants in the world, and this is a cruel decision that will not only harm Haiti, but millions in our homeland, while causing global instability and reverberating damage," said Assembly Membe r Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn . “For nearly 50 years, USAID has worked to improve the economy and stability in Haiti. The work of the agency has improved the nation’s health, education and governance. We are at a critical time in the Haiti’s history, where USAID’s work is needed more than ever to help stabilize the county and region,” said Assembly Member Clyde Vanel . “Donald Trump and Elon Musk's reckless cuts to USAID will hurt struggling families in Haiti. We should be working in partnership with count ries like Haiti to help them build up and strengthen their public health infrastructure, not recklessly cutting off millions in aid. This is one of many actions, including ending TPS for Haitians in the US, that will further destabilize Haiti and cause unn ecessary suffering,” said Assembly Member Phara Souffrant Forrest . “As a proud daughter of Haiti and a representative of a large Haitian community in the New York City Council, I am deeply troubled by the devastating ramifications of USAID cuts on Haiti. These cuts will exacerbate an already dire humanitarian crisis, limiting access to critical food assistance, healthcare, and economic support for millions in need. At a time when Haiti is grappling with political instability, gang violence, and food insec urity, reducing aid is not just irresponsible, it is a moral failure. The United States has long been a partner in Haiti’s progress, and now is the time to strengthen that commitment, not abandon it. I urge Trump administration to reconsider these cuts and ensure that the Haitian people receive the support they desperately need,” said Council Member Rita Joseph . "As we all are aware, Haiti is facing unprecedented challenges, and it is crucial that we continue to prioritize vital funding for emergency resp onse, health care, and food security. I am deeply concerned about the effect the proposed cuts to USAID will have on my birthplace. We cannot allow these reductions to set back the progress we've made. I urge Congress to protect these essential programs an d ensure that the people of Haiti receive the support they need to rebuild and thrive," said Council Member Mercedes Narcisse .
"My colleagues and I at the National Haitian American Elected Official Network (NHAEON) worked relentlessly with Leader Schume r, the Department of Homeland Security, and other federal agencies to secure USAID funding for the crisis in Haiti. Now, the Trump Administration's decision to slash this critical support will leave millions without essential services, shutting down health clinics and halting food aid at a time when it's desperately needed. I am disgusted by President Trump’s decision, which reveals a lack of human decency and moral responsibility toward the very people who have helped build this country. These cuts will on ly deepen the already dire challenges facing Haiti. As a Haitian American and representative of one of the largest Haitian communities in the U.S., I am deeply concerned about the harm this will cause. I will continue to speak out and fight for the aid Hai ti needs to recover and rebuild," said Council Member Farah Louis . “The Trump administration has never concealed its disdain and disregard for the people of Haiti, and the destruction of USAID is their latest act of institutional cruelty targeting a nati on that continues to weather crises on multiple fronts. Not only is this decision a humanitarian catastrophe that will decimate fragile disaster recovery, nutrition assistance, and public health efforts, it threatens to undermine American national security by further destabilizing a republic that is just 700 miles from the southernmost point of Florida. As we continue the fight to preserve vital safety nets such as Medicaid and Medicare for Americans, we must remain vocal and vigilant on humanitarian issues such as the cancellation of TPS for Haiti and the shuttering of USAID. I stand with Senate Minority Leader Schumer as he fights for safer conditions in Haiti, respect for the Haitian diaspora, and a reversal to these devastating and disgraceful cuts,” sai d Nassau County Legislator Carrie Solages . “The callous actions of this administration regarding USAID will cost untold numbers of lives and make Americans here at home less safe. Abandoning Haiti as it continues to fight back against the gangs who hav e armed themselves with weapons coming from the United States is an abdication of duty that will only further destabilize conditions on the ground and further exacerbate the risk that those dangers spread to the United States. This administration may thi nk lightly of this funding because they see it simply as a line item in a budget rather than the vital assistance that may make the difference in the lives of children and families most in need in Haiti and across the world. Funding from USAID did not go t o waste it saved lives. We will continue to work with Sen. Schumer and our community leaders to do everything in our power to restore this invaluable funding and protect the communities being pushed further towards the margins,” said Pastor Samuel Nicola s, Haitian Evangelical Clergy Association . “We urge the Administration to restore the USAID package to Haiti. Removing these funds will have devastating and catastrophic impacts on Haitian society. US AID funds major programs in in the areas of Education , Agriculture and Health. The progress made over the years in reducing the number of HIV AIDS infections and mortality and on gender - based and sexual violence in the country are a direct outcomes of the support provided by USAID,” said Marie Lily Cerat, Ph D, Director CUNY Haitian Studies Institute, Brooklyn College, Assistant Professor, Modern Languages & Literatures Dept . “Haiti's dependency on foreign aid, unfortunately, is structural and for the bulk of that aid to be briskly stopped is a tragedy. I d o agree that such a dependency is an anomaly and must be addressed but that won't happen overnight. One can only hope that an exemption is being envisaged,” said Ricot Dupuy, Station Director of Radio Soleil . "Cutting off lifesaving aid, including aid fo r healthcare, food and other essentials, will further devastate and destabilize Haiti. NYSNA joins our elected officials, Haitian Americans and all concerned New Yorkers in calling on the Trump administration to immediately release aid to our neighbor and ally," said NYSNA President Nancy Hagans, RN, BSN, CCRN . “Haiti needs solidarity, investment, and a genuine commitment to a sustainable future. We call on the American government to immediately reverse these dangerous cuts and prioritize policies that save lives, promote stability, and uphold our shared values of dignity and human rights. The callous cuts from this administration to
vital, life - saving aid to Haiti will inevitably result in the needless loss of countless lives. A t a time when Haiti is grappling with extreme violence, political instability, and humanitarian crises, reducing aid is not just shortsighted it is inhumane. These cuts will exacerbate suffering, and increase security risks across the region,” said Porez L uxama, Executive Director and Co - Founder, Life of Hope . "Haiti is one of the Countries that receives funding from the United States through USAID, and there is an urgent need for sustainable support and policies that uplift, rather than abandon, the Hait ian people. The ripple effects of funding cuts to USAID will exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in Haiti and strain the resources of Haitians living abroad. In 2024 alone, USAID obligated $368 million in contracts and grants for activities in Haiti, includ ing HIV reduction services. This decision jeopardizes critical health programs and, for the Haitian diaspora in the United States, who collectively sent approximately $3.1 billion to their home country, this move intensifies the burden as they strive to su pport their loved ones amid escalating crises," said Stephanie Delia, Executive Director of Little Haiti BK Inc . ## #